Every month, the Church holds up the lives of the saints, missions from God to specific times to inspire us. We’ve selected some of the more recent saints, closer to our time, and created new art for them.
“Saints are not supermen who were born perfect, but people who encountered God’s love, who persevered in following Him even when they fell, and who were transformed by His mercy.” (Pope Francis, General Audience, November 28, 2018)
Blessed Anacleto González Flores (1888-1927) – April 1st
In a time of political upheaval and religious persecution, one man refused to back down in the face of tyranny. Armed only with his faith, his courage, and his conviction, he stood up to the forces of darkness and inspired a generation to fight for what is right. Blessed Anacleto González Flores was a Mexican lawyer, journalist, and social activist who defended the rights of the poor and oppressed, and was martyred during the Cristero War. He is a model for those who seek to work for justice and peace in society, even in the face of opposition and persecution.
“May God forgive those who have killed me, and may He bless those who have helped me.”
Interesting fact: Blessed Anacleto was a gifted orator who gave stirring speeches in defense of religious freedom and human dignity. He was also an accomplished musician and composer, and was known to write songs that expressed his love for God and his country.
“May the memory of his heroism in the defense of human dignity inspire in us an ever-increasing love for the truth, a more ardent zeal for the service of God and neighbor, and a more generous commitment to the cause of justice and peace in our world.” – Pope John Paul II
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-1925) – April 6th
In the midst of a world torn apart by war and despair, one young man shone out like a beacon of hope and joy. With his love of nature, his passion for adventure, and his unshakeable faith, he showed us what it means to live life to the fullest and to give everything for the sake of others. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati was an Italian social activist and student who was known for his love of adventure, sports, and the outdoors, as well as his commitment to helping the poor and marginalized. He is a model for those who seek to live a joyful and active life, while also working for the common good and serving those in need.
“Verso l’alto” (To the heights)
Interesting Fact: Blessed Pier Giorgio was a prankster who loved to play practical jokes on his friends and family. He was an avid reader and spoke several languages fluently, including French, German, and English.
“His example of life can attract many young people to the things that matter most, and that do not fade away: friendship, solidarity and the search for the true, the good and the beautiful.” – Pope John Paul II
St. Teresa of Los Andes (1900-1920) – April 12th
In a world obsessed with materialism and self-gratification, one young woman discovered the true source of happiness and fulfillment. Through her deep devotion to Christ, her profound spirituality, and her selfless service to others, she inspired people to seek God above all else. St. Teresa of Los Andes was a Chilean Discalced Carmelite nun who was known for her deep contemplative prayer and her love for God. She is a model for those who seek to cultivate a deep and intimate relationship with God, especially in the midst of a busy and noisy world.
“I was born for God alone, and the whole world is too small to satisfy my heart.”
Interesting Fact: St. Teresa had a deep devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and would often spend long hours in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. She was also known for her humility and her willingness to serve others.
“Teresa of Jesus, true to her name, as a faithful disciple of the Lord, let herself be led by the Holy Spirit to the summit of mystical experience, to the highest union with Christ, and she attained this goal in a very short time.” – Pope John Paul II
St. Gianna Beretta Molla (1922-1962) – April 28th
In the midst of the tumultuous mid-20th century, one woman stood firm in her commitment to faith, family, and love. Despite facing medical challenges, social pressures, and personal sacrifices, she remained steadfast in her belief that every life is a gift from God. St. Gianna Beretta Molla was an Italian pediatrician and mother who is known for her strong faith and dedication to life, even in the face of death. She is a model for those who value the sanctity of human life, especially in the midst of modern medical practices that can sometimes lead to ethical dilemmas.
“The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for what He is sending us every day in His goodness.” – St Gianna
Interesting Fact: St. Gianna enjoyed playing the piano and had a passion for fashion, which she used as a means of evangelization. She was known for her generosity towards the poor and her love for nature.
“Gianna Beretta Molla was a simple, but more than ever, significant messenger of divine love. In a letter to her husband, shortly before her death, she wrote: ‘I am yours and I ask you to forgive me if I caused you any grief. I thank you for everything you did for me and I ask you to forgive me if I didn’t make you happy enough. My dear Pietro, take care of our children, and let them know that I loved them immensely. I thank you and goodbye until we meet in heaven.'” Pope John Paul II, Homily during her beatification ceremony in 1994.