Simple, powerful tips and workshops so that everyone can share the Church’s story with charity, clarity, and confidence.
Past Events
The Adventure of Sharing Christ: Catholic Women Evangelizing a World in Need
Wondering if God matters? These Catholic women are sharing stories and insights out of lives charged with living grace, and excitement!
Say Yes: Winter Summit
How Can We Be Agents of Healing and Transformation in Our World Today?
Catholic Dating
Stories and insights for Catholic singles, engaged, and married couples. Discover the real, thrilling meaning to romance, and how we create happily-ever-after in the real world.
Emmanuel Festival & Fair
A festival of Christmas stories and traditions from around the world. Celebrate how ‘God with us’ makes being Catholic more exciting!
Jesus-Centered Life: An International Family Conference
Mary and the Popes have called us to center our lives on Jesus! He is our only Savior, and the joy of all hearts. Together, let’s explore simple, exciting ways to live the beautiful and deeply happy life of Jesus – today!
‘God is Mercy’ Online Conference
Real stories of lives utterly changed by God’s love, to help you renew your faith, and be witness to God’s faithfulness!
‘Modern Saints: Missions from God’ Online Conference
How you can live your mission of holiness today!
The Catholic Mental Health Conference
Simple tips to help faithful Catholics live happier, more exciting lives – now!
Fratelli Tutti: A First Look at the new encyclical by Pope Francis
1 day, 2 live panels to prepare us for the new encylical, ‘Fratelli Tutti’
The ‘After Divorce’ Online Conference
Answers, hope, and community to help the divorced dream again!
A Renewed Hope
Discover the excitement, passion, and hope in sharing big, beautiful ideas, and why Catholicism makes life worth living!