An official announcement. Super excited. This is a series that we – you and I – are making together.
Instead of hunkering down in a recording studio to bring you something amazing (which lots of others are doing) we’re crafting a series of ideas, insights, and interviews to help ordinary Catholics enjoy evangelization.
Note: this project has been moved to November/December. Stay tuned!
Yep, you read that right.
I’m convinced that a ton of our social anxiety around sharing the Faith is because:
- We haven’t found something to love about it. Or…
- We’re nuts about it, but are following the wrong advice.
There’s a reason half of us are extroverts. We’re called to a unique charism – the ‘genius of the stranger’. That means extroverts have the easiest time talking to complete strangers. Or witnessing on street corners.
But introverts? They’re a different creature. They have the ‘genius of the friend’. Introverts nurture and deepen relationships in a variety of ways, shy away from large crowds to favor one-to-one community.
The problems start when we try to copy successful evangelizers.
They have phenomenal tips and techniques. But trying to copy their advice when it goes against our personality type is like trying to swim backwards. We weren’t made that way. We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
So we should embrace that most of us are in one camp or the other. (A healthy dash of us straddle the divide.)
So that’s what we’re tackling in Evangelion Season 1: Radiant Witness
‘Evangelion’ means ‘good news’ in Greek. And every episode in this series alternates between an introvert and an extrovert for their unique take on sharing the Faith. Most exciting for the rest of us – we can get ideas and insights for our personality type. Made easy.
The whole goal is to help us live the joy of the Gospel, championed by Pope Francis. Because;
‘I especially ask Christians in communities throughout the world to offer a radiant and attractive witness of fraternal communion. Let everyone admire how you care for one another, and how you encourage and accompany one another: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (Jn 13:35).’ (Evangelii Gaudium)
That’s why these episodes will be about 15 minutes of discussion with a speaker, and about 15 minute of Q&A to answer your questions.
It’s all going live in our private, SmartCatholics community, which we’re building with you right now.
(Check out the sneak peak on that here.) So seriously. Doesn’t this sound fascinating?
Once a week, a live interview with a speaker, and a chance for you to ask your questions. If you’re not part of the group, you’ll be able to hear the replay afterwards. Check out this other quote from Pope Francis; just thrilling:
We sense the challenge of finding and sharing a “mystique” of living together, of mingling and encounter, of embracing and supporting one another, of stepping into this flood tide which, while chaotic, can become a genuine experience of fraternity, a caravan of solidarity, a sacred pilgrimage. Greater possibilities for communication thus turn into greater possibilities for encounter and solidarity for everyone. If we were able to take this route, it would be so good, so soothing, so liberating and hope-filled! To go out of ourselves and to join others is healthy for us. (Evangelii Gaudium)
Start now! What questions about evangelizing for your personality type would you like to ask? Drop a comment! And if all that weren’t fun enough, I’m changing the game a little more. Every episode is hosted by a different podcast host. (Read about our Podcast Corps?)
And sponsored by a special partner who wants to support our vision, and share with you an optional resource to deepen your journey. Like a book, or a CD. Or beard balm. Or coffee.
Our first sponsor for the enter interview series:
Catholic Homeschool Conference! Bringing this to Catholic homeschool children will be amazing and formative for the next generation. Thank you for sponsoring this project!
You know what has me most excited? The community we’re building where this is possible. You, and me. In love with being Catholic. In support of Pope Francis and his vision for his papacy. 100% down to build a warm welcome for Catholics everywhere.
Comment right here if you’re an introvert or extrovert. Let’s get a sense of our community!