Fr. Michael Zimmerman was ordained to the priesthood in 2017 and currently serves as assistant Vocation Director for the Archdiocese of Boston and adjunct Scripture Professor at St. John’s Seminary. With the heart of a teacher, Fr. Michael was inspired to create a systematic discernment program for young men drawing from the wisdom that he received as part of his own formation. During the pandemic lockdown in May 2020, Fr. Michael scripted 27 episodes which are now part of a video series called Scivias. Filmed in a way that captures many of Fr. Michael’s own interests such as rock climbing, track and field, art, drawing, and of course the city of Boston (!), Fr. Michael hopes others can identify with his journey and recognize how pursuing God’s plan for their lives will fulfill their greatest desires.
Scivias: Know the Ways of the Lord is a one-of-a-kind video series that serves as a vocational discernment guide for men considering the priesthood. The series is written and narrated by Fr. Michael Zimmerman, Assistant Director of the Office of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Boston. Designed to help young men recognize how pursuing God’s plan for their lives will fulfill their greatest desires, the 27-episode series released in April 2021
Watch Scivias:
Episode 25 of SmartCatholics Mastermind
A live series to meet the minds and hearts of Catholic creators and speakers. They devote their time and talent to mastering their vocation, so that you can live a fuller life faster! The world needs who you are.
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