“There is a need to reaffirm the metaphysical roots of sexual difference.” Male and Female, He created them, towards a path of dialogue on the question of gender theory in education. Congregation for Catholic Education 2019. Education on sexuality and affectivity must involve each person in a process of learning ‘with perseverance and consistency, the meaning of his or her body’ [Pope Francis] in the full original truth of masculinity and femininity. Edmund Adamus is Education Consultant to ‘A Fertile Heart; Receiving and Giving Creative Love’ http://www.fertileheart.org.uk and will explore how this program for educators can respond to Pope Francis’s appeal in Amoris Laetitia to provide an “Education in Hope”.
Edmund Adamus was a speaker at the “Sharing the Church’s Story” online event, hosted by SmartCatholics & Catholic Voices.
Edmund Adamus is Education Consultant to http://www.fertileheart.org.uk a newly developed formation program for educators. Formerly the Schools Commissioner for the Diocese of Portsmouth, he was Director for Marriage and Family [2012-16] and Director for Pastoral Affairs [2004-12] in Westminster Archdiocese. He is on LinkedIn and on Twitter at @FertileHeart
Learn more about Edmund here:
When was the last time you were asked a tough question about the Catholic faith? Did you wish that you could have shared the Church’s story with confidence?
On April 17, 2021, Catholic Voices and Smart Catholics teamed up to help laymen and women everywhere to share the Church’s story with charity and clarity.
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