God’s plan in creating us male and female has a deeper meaning than we usually imagine. God and Israel, Christ and the Church, Bridegroom and Bride – there is a rich nuptial theology to be explored. This is territory that has been left unexplored for too long.
Joanna Bogle was a speaker at the “Sharing the Church’s Story” online event, hosted by SmartCatholics & Catholic Voices.
Joanna Bogle is a Catholic writer and historian. She is currently Visiting Research Fellow at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, and has recently completed a full history of the University, to be launched this year. She is the Editor of FAITH magazine, author of some 20 books, and a regular broadcaster for EWTN, the international Catholic TV network. Her next book, on which she is currently working, is a biography of Sue Ryder, due for publication in 2022.
Learn more about Joanna here:
When was the last time you were asked a tough question about the Catholic faith? Did you wish that you could have shared the Church’s story with confidence?
On April 17, 2021, Catholic Voices and Smart Catholics teamed up to help laymen and women everywhere to share the Church’s story with charity and clarity.
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