marketing services for Catholic startups
We look forward to serving you with our suite of services!
get a sleek website
Schedule a call today with a website professional to audit and review your website, get suggestions for improvement, or help launching a new site.

launch a Catholic brand
Schedule a personal, guided workshop through the core areas of your brand. Find the right words, clarify your message, and stand out from other ministries.

collaborate with marketing
SmartCatholics is more than a community. We’re a grassroots social network to help new Catholic creators and leaders network, build audiences, and grow your impact.

web design & branding for Catholic ministries
Hi, I’m Dominic, the SmartCatholics Founder. My day job is branding and graphic design. SmartCatholics is my gift to help you grow your ministry.
Since 2020, Catholic ministries have been networking, marketing, and sharing insights together in this community. Now, with professional services in branding and design, plus my shortlist of trusted friends, we’re here to serve you.