What makes someone a man? It’s a question that gets asked for dozens or reasons, and seems to have at least as many common answers. Men around the world struggle to properly understand and live their role in the world today. In this talk we will dive into the four signifiers of masculinity and how we live each of them with simplicity and truth in our daily lives.
Tony Vasinda, Head Beardvangelist, Catholic Balm Co
Runs Catholic Balm Co. Directs the House of Broken Loaves. Based in Philly.
JULY 2020 – Immortal Combat Men’s Conference
Unless we have eyes to see the invisible battle that rages around us, the sacrifice of Christ on the cross will remain no more than an empty symbol. Catholic men today have a unique call to engage in this immortal combat with confidence, joy and the power of the Holy Spirit.
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Comments from Attendees:
Really great presentation. Humbly but clearly and powerfully put. Thank you, Tony. I appreciated your paralleling the priest and the married man. Elijah and Elisha – truest in the power of God with the mantle ushering in the new expression of God’s kingdom. Worth revisiting your talk again!
Thank you for your presentation. I have thought of some of my male failings off and on for some time. Although married for 58 years, I sure could have done a much better job of being a father and husband if I had known more about being a son and brother of God. With good fortune, God turned out the kids well in spite of my not being the greatest teacher. I don’t have the courage yet to apologize for my short comings to my wife and kids but I will. I ask God daily what is my mission for what ever time I have left. Trying to figure out if I’m doing His will or working through my ego is challenging. I haven’t asked much of the Holy Spirit during my life. Maybe it’s time. Pray for one another.
Thank you for challenging us to be men of God and to show that to the next generations.
Very powerful message—Great Reminders and thoughtful Insights to our Mission—Thank you Tony!
Thank you M. Vasinda for talking about priests,
God bless you, your wife and your family.
I’m a bearded priest.