“We all secretly desire to be seen, known, honored, loved, swept off our feet, taken away from sorrow and shielded from pain’s power, removed from the overwhelming weight of sin’s dullness. I have been helping people walk this road of spiritual growth and inner healing for the past twenty years.” Sr Kathryn Hermes FSP chats about her story, and her books, and her work with ‘Touching the Sunrise.’
She is our guide in the free SmartCatholics retreat, ‘Abide in Me & I in You’
“A stroke at the age of 21 was God’s masterful move in orienting me in this direction. As I dove deep into the ocean of sorrow and confusion in my own life, I found my joy at last in sharing with others what had been given to me. I made my first tentative steps in sharing the journey that God had taken with me through suffering in the book ‘Surviving Depression: A Catholic Approach.’ God took that fragile first attempt and spoke right to the hearts of people who had suffered too long from the darkest night of depression and other emotional pain. He is the one who made sure it reached hands and hearts all over the world. It has been translated into almost 20 languages and is in its Third Edition.
My three most recent books are markers along the most recent leg of the journey of healing I have been on with the divine Healer. They directly flow from the surprises the Lord has had in store for me as I walked through the confusion milestones of midlife.
WEBSITE: https://touchingthesunrise.com/
Season 2: Episode 7 of SmartCatholics Mastermind
Meet the minds and hearts of Catholic creators and speakers. They devote their time and talent to mastering their vocation, so that we ordinary Catholics can live a fuller life faster!
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