smarter faith,
smarter life.
We are Catholics who want to learn, discuss, and deepen our faith with the magisterium of Pope Francis and the Catholic Church.

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Key Collabs
Third Space Podcast
Discussign the good and the ugly in the Church, avoiding easy answers —in order to hold on to all that is true.
Pope Francis Generation (2023)
The show for Catholics struggling with the Church’s teaching, and who still hunger for a God of love of and goodness.
WPI Debrief (2023)
A weekly show to discuss the news, questions, and controversies, facing the Church today, with Mike Lewis.
Why members love SmartCatholics
"It’s not just faithfulness to Pope Francis that makes SmartCatholics special.
“It’s a willingness to see beyond the very rigid/conservative Catholic opinion of EWTN, the Bioethics Center, First Things, Catholic Answers. They have defined RealCatholicism(tm) for way too long. And Francis is calling us to see beyond that. The conversation we had today would never happen at any of those other sources, Yet it’s fully orthodox, valid, and a positive contribution to the ongoing issue. That’s what SC brings to the table.”
Paul Fahey, Host of Pope Francis Generation
Thank you so much for what you do with this platform. It may not say much, but for what it’s worth, your work has saved my life and continues to feed my soul and bring me closer to God. I’m only one soul, but I’m sure I’m not the only one for whom the Holy Spirit worked through you to bring us back home. Thank you! – Hector R.

“The spirit of the world does not want a community: it wants a mob, thoughtless, without freedom…
“It treats us as though we lack the ability to think for ourselves; it treats us like people who are not free. We must ask the Lord for the grace of intelligence, to avoid weak and restricted thought, thoughts beyond personal preference. The Holy Spirit gives us this gift: the intelligence to understand.”