Father’s Heart Academy
Discover the truth and hope of Church teachings through a comprehensive study of magisterial documents, access to Paul Fahey’s podcasts and articles, and a supportive community of learners.
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Gaudete et Exsultate
Study Pope Francis’ foundational teaching about holiness.
May / June
Fratelli Tutti
The Church’s newest encyclical with an antidote for our social problems.
August / September
Pope Francis Generation
Is Celibacy Better than Marriage?
In this episode, Dominic and Paul talk about what the universal call to holiness can look like in the married vocation. Both of us grew up being taught that the celibate vocations are better than the married vocation. This idea can give the impression that holiness is for the “professionals” and lay people are exempted from living the radical life Jesus invites all of us to. However, since Vatican II, the Church has developed her teaching in this area.
“Those who have deep spiritual aspirations should not feel that the family detracts from their growth in the life of the Spirit, but rather see it as a path which the Lord is using to lead them to the heights of mystical union” (Amoris Laetitia 316).
SUBSCRIBE: https://www.popefrancisgeneration.com
Discover the truth and hope of Church teachings through a study of magisterial documents, access to Paul Fahey’s podcasts and articles, and a supportive community of learners.
Pope Francis Generation is the show for Catholics struggling with the Church’s teaching, who feel like they might not belong in the Church anymore, and who still hunger for a God of love and goodness. Hosted by Paul Fahey, a professional catechist, and Dominic de Souza, someone who needs catechesis. Together, we’re taking our own look at the Catholic Church– her teachings and practices- from 3 views that changed our world: the Kerygma, the forgotten doctrine of theosis, and the teachings of Pope Francis. Together, with you, we’re the Pope Francis Generation.
Got a question you’d like us to respond to in the next episode? Have some feedback? Visit us at popefrancisgeneration.com to send a message. Paid subscribers get to watch each episode before everyone else, join private Q&As, and pitch ideas for the topic of our final show this season!
Paul lives in Michigan with his wife, Kristina, and five kids. A catechist, retreat leader, counseling student, as well as a contributor and co-founder of Where Peter Is. Paul writes and speaks about what he loves: the Kerygma, the Sacraments, Catholic Social Teaching, and Pope Francis. https://pfahey.com/
SmartCatholics founder, Dominic de Souza, is a convert from radical traditionalism – inspired by WherePeterIs, Bishop Robert Barron, and Pope Francis. He is passionate about helping ordinary Catholics break the ‘bystander effect’, and be firstresponders. “We don’t have to be geniuses. We just have to show up with witness and kindness. Christ does the rest.” Today he hosts the SmartCatholics community. https://smartcatholics.com
Come and join Paul and me in SmartCatholics, the free online community for Catholic millennials, creators, and learners who want faithful conversations that are unafraid of doubts and questions, plus we’re free of trolls and ads and toxicity.
Join: https://smartcatholics.com
Donate: https://smartcatholics.com/donate
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartcathol…
Is NFP Culture Toxic? with Rachel Amiri
This week, Paul and Dominic talk with Rachel Amiri about toxic NFP culture. Rachel was a FertilityCare Practitioner in the Creighton model of natural family planning. For the past several years, Rachel and Paul have had many discussions about how many of the ways that Catholics talk about NFP can be spiritually abusive or manipulative and how Catholic NFP discourse overlaps with purity culture. We wanted to share some of those conversations with listeners, so we invited Rachel on!
A general disclaimer that we will be talking about sexuality and child loss in this episode.
Rachel Amiri serves as Production Editor for Where Peter Is and has also appeared as the host of WPI Live. She is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame with degrees in Theology and Political Science, and was deeply shaped by the thought of Pope Benedict XVI. She has worked in Catholic publishing as well as in healthcare as a FertilityCare Practitioner. Rachel is married to fellow WPI Contributor Daniel Amiri and resides in St. Louis, Missouri, where they are raising three children.
Read her article: “The Not-So-Sexy Theology of the Body”
SUBSCRIBE: https://www.popefrancisgeneration.com
Discover the truth and hope of Church teachings through a study of magisterial documents, access to Paul Fahey’s podcasts and articles, and a supportive community of learners.
Pope Francis Generation is the show for Catholics struggling with the Church’s teaching, who feel like they might not belong in the Church anymore, and who still hunger for a God of love and goodness. Hosted by Paul Fahey, a professional catechist, and Dominic de Souza, someone who needs catechesis. Together, we’re taking our own look at the Catholic Church– her teachings and practices- from 3 views that changed our world: the Kerygma, the forgotten doctrine of theosis, and the teachings of Pope Francis. Together, with you, we’re the Pope Francis Generation.
Got a question you’d like us to respond to in the next episode? Have some feedback? Visit us at popefrancisgeneration.com to send a message. Paid subscribers get to watch each episode before everyone else, join private Q&As, and pitch ideas for the topic of our final show this season!
Paul lives in Michigan with his wife, Kristina, and four kids. A catechist, retreat leader, counseling student, as well as a contributor and co-founder of Where Peter Is. Paul writes and speaks about what he loves: the Kerygma, the Sacraments, Catholic Social Teaching, and Pope Francis. https://pfahey.com/
SmartCatholics founder, Dominic de Souza, is a convert from radical traditionalism – inspired by WherePeterIs, Bishop Robert Barron, and Pope Francis. He is passionate about helping ordinary Catholics break the ‘bystander effect’, and be firstresponders. “We don’t have to be geniuses. We just have to show up with witness and kindness. Christ does the rest.” Today he hosts the SmartCatholics community. https://smartcatholics.com
Come and join Paul and me in SmartCatholics, the free online community for Catholic millennials, creators, and learners who want faithful conversations that are unafraid of doubts and questions, plus we’re free of trolls and ads and toxicity.
Join: https://smartcatholics.com
Donate: https://smartcatholics.com/donate
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smartcatholics/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartcatholics/
Join Paul’s Substack for news, events, & reflections.
About us
What is Father’s Heart Academy?
A collaboration between Pope Francis Generation and SmartCatholics.
1. Discover
Explore self-paced courses, podcasts, and resources to deepen your formation.
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Get access to a private membership of fellow students to share insights and outlooks.
3. Learn
Join workshops to ask questions and share feedback as you grow in the faith.
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Join Paul’s substack for news, events, and weekly reflections.
About this academy
Father’s Heart Academy
- Are you feeling alienated from Catholic culture?
- Are you looking for more compelling answers to your questions about Church teaching?
- Are you searching for a more beautiful Gospel?
- Do you want to learn more about the Church’s teachings and improve your catechist skills?
Welcome to Father’s Heart Academy.
Our mission is to present Church teachings in light of the Kerygma, the proclamation of God’s goodness and desire for us, and walk with you through the Church’s actual teachings and clear away any added opinions and rules. Our program is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of magisterial teachings.
In addition to studying magisterial documents, at Father’s Heart Academy, you’ll have access to Paul Fahey’s podcast and articles, and be a part of a community to discuss them.
Each month, you’ll also have the opportunity to meet with Paul to discuss a particular topic, recent podcast, or current events in the Church. We also offer seminars on specific topics and magisterial documents.
Don’t let the personal opinions of online apologists or clerics cloud your understanding of Church teachings.
Join Father’s Heart Academy and discover the beauty and truth of the Gospel. Learn how to use the Church’s texts in your daily life, grow in your faith, and become a better and effective catechist.
About your host
Paul Fahey
Paul Fahey, the founder of Father’s Heart Academy, is a lay minister and catechist with over eight years of experience. He is a retreat leader, catechist formator, writer, creator of the Pope Francis Generation podcast, and a co-founder of Where Peter Is. He holds an undergraduate degree in Theology and is currently in a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program.
His long-term goal is to provide pastoral counseling for Catholics who have been spiritually abused, counseling for Catholic ministers, and counseling education so that ministers are more equipped to help others in their ministry.
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Friendly Fellowship
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Become a better catechist
Faithful workshops
Be a better catechist
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