Brenden Thompson, David Wells, Georgia Clarke, and Andre Reigner were speakers at the “Sharing the Church’s Story” online event, hosted by SmartCatholics & Catholic Voices.
Brenden studied Youth Ministry and theology at St Mary’s, Twickenham before going on to do a Masters in Applied Theology at Oxford University. Brenden is currently the CEO of Catholic Voices.
Brenden also speaks to thousands of people every year about the Gospel with joy and enthusiasm and trains others in how to share the Christian faith with charity and clarity.
Learn more about Brenden here:
Learn more about David here:
Learn more about Georgia here:
Learn more about Andre here:
When was the last time you were asked a tough question about the Catholic faith? Did you wish that you could have shared the Church’s story with confidence?
On April 17, 2021, Catholic Voices and Smart Catholics teamed up to help laymen and women everywhere to share the Church’s story with charity and clarity.
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